These photos are completely unenhanced!!! Last night's stormy sky was one I don't think I've ever seen. I called everyone I could get on the phone to tell them to take a step outside to see it. The sky was dark, and gray.. with a sun setting. It really looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. I had to rush home and grab my camera to snap these shots. I wish I had been able to take some photos when the sun was a little higher in the sky, because it was really cool looking.
I love watching the sky and how it looks in the morning as the sun is rising, and how it looks in the evening as it is setting. In the fall, in the morning time against all of the colors on the trees, the sky looks purple. In the summer time, it looks teal blue sometimes just before it completly goes down. It's different everyday - and something simple I take pleasure in.
One of the most humble things I've ever heard someone say, is what a great life he had, because every single morning he watched the sun come up, and every single evening he watched it set. A few months later he passed away. Because of him, I try not to take for granted the simple things that make life beautiful.